Monday, January 28, 2013

Top Leadership and Business Books

At its heart farming is a business. So I think it is appropriate that farmers be current on the best leadership and business books. As I scan back over the books I have read recently, the following titles come to mind.

Proverbs, by King Salomon. If you want a masters degree in money principles, business and leadership. It is in there. Read a chapter a day. It will change your life.

Nehemiah, by Nehemiah.  Very good principles of faithbased leadership. Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill Church in Seattle has an excellent series on this book.

EntreLeadership, by Dave Ramsey. There is also a great pod cast by this name. If you really want the indepth training in this Dave offers a weekend seminar.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, by John C. Maxwell. You can't make a list of business books without this one.

Lynchpin and Purple Cow, by Seth Godin. Most farmers are already lynchpins. Seths books are always a quick read and worth considering.

Thou Shalt Prosper, by Daniel Lapin. Mr. Lapin is a Rabbi and brings out the business principles from the Torah.

Good to Great, by Jim Collins. Common themes of great businesses.

Bringing Out the Best in People, by Alan Loy McGinnis. Ran across this one in a choir directors class at Northwestern College in St. Paul. Pretty good book and a quick read about helping others excel.

I have a whole stack of books on my desk that I haven't read yet. So more to come in a few weeks.

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